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What if I told you B2B can be fun too?

Because B2B is actually B2H (Brand-to-Human)?

Humans are using your products and need your services.

Humans are making those purchasing decisions.

Humans Humans are seeing your marketing.


And none of these humans want boring marketing! Because boring marketing doesn’t sell. It doesn’t make people swarm your page, eagerly awaiting new products, and it doesn’t make products fly off the shelves.


So why not make the whole experience fun?

In fact, when you make your brand and your marketing fun, you’re building ambassadors. People who love your brand not just because of the solution you solve, the pain point you ease, but because you’re also fun!


And when these people become your brand ambassadors, they are shouting about you from the social media rooftops. They’re telling everyone in their industry, network, and even non-users about how awesome you are. 
Don’t believe me? I challenge you to find a B2B brand that is doing fun (the right way) and that doesn’t have the best customer engagement evah!


So, how do we find the fun?

This is the signature package. The big kahuna. The big dipper. The big cheese. The grand poobah.


A strategy session removes the guesswork to make your content, your brand, even your business more fun. It touches all departments, not just marketing, so it helps secure the much-needed buy-in from all your internal stakeholders. And we can even build a horizontal marketing plan by creating ideas and concepts that are applicable to the entire organization. Fun! 

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Step 1

Threshold of Fun™

No matter your business or industry, everyone can have a little (or a lot) of fun. Ideas for fun come in all different shapes and sizes, and it’s up to us (well, me) to help you find out what that is for your business. Let’s call this your sandbox. Sandboxes come in all shapes and sizes, but no sandbox is too small, and no sandbox is too big. 


The only question is: how big
is your sandbox? 


Because the trick is to infuse your marketing with just the right amount of fun so it doesn’t seem off-putting to your stakeholders.

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Step 2


Once we have your Threshold of Fun™, we can start to play in your sandbox. This is when we come up with a whole bunch ‘o ideas and see which ones stick.


That’s where I come in.


Working together will force you out of your comfort zone and into the idea zone. The zone where we generate new ideas, yes, but also where we figure out exactly how to attract the new buyers through fun marketing and content.


Through guided brainstorming sessions, a heck of a lot of user research, and some input from you, we’ll finish with ideas your whole team will be proud of.

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Step 3


It’s time for planning the fun
(or Funning™ as I call it).


The planning stage is where the ideas we’ve generated come together in a coordinated and integrated strategy to help you hit your business goals.


We’ll make your ideas come to life in a way that not only supports your overall business goals, but that’s measurable. Because ROI and KPIs are the rulers of all the marketing land when it comes to your stakeholders, amiright?


#Funning is the new #Winning

Return on Fun™ (ROF)


You’re probably wondering how long this all takes and how much this all costs?


“What’s my return on fun?”


The whole process takes approximately two (2) months and starts at $10,000.
This program is ideal for companies that want to stand out from their competitors 

and start appealing to the humans who are buying and using their products or services.


For companies that know their ideal customers are getting younger and aren’t

responding to their old school marketing efforts.

Work with K


Ready to tip the scales in your favour?

Interested in learning more about the program and getting started?

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